The ICUAS Association eMagazine, the Unmanned Aviation Magazine, eUAM , is now the official peer-reviewed publication of the ICUAS Association. Inc., focusing on all aspects of unmanned aviation in general, and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in particular. It is open to contributions from educators, scientists and engineers, researchers, developers, manufacturers, end-users and practitioners, lawyers and economists, all having an interest in unmanned aerial vehicles and systems, and unmanned aviation.
Authors of submitted papers are requested to include on the front page up to five keywords reflecting the specific
research area(s) the paper relates to. Keywords facilitate and accelerate the review process, and they will be used for
indexing purposes. Authors may choose from the following list of topics and keywords:
Aerial Manipulation, Airspace Control, Airspace Management, Airworthiness, Air Vehicle Operations, Autonomy, Bio-inspired UAVs, Certification, Design for Resilience, Flight Control Architectures, Energy Efficient UAVs, Environmental Issues, Fail-Safe Systems, Frequency Management, Guidance, Navigation & Control (GNC), Human Factors and Ethical AI for UAS, Integration into the National Airspace, Interoperability, Learning-based Perception and GNC, Legal Challenges, Levels of Safety, Manned/Unmanned Aviation, Micro- and Mini- UAS, Multi-mode and Hybrid UAS, Navigation, Networked UAVs, NextGen UAV Designs, Payloads, Path Planning, Privacy Issues, Reconfigurable UAVs, Regulations, Reliability of UAS, Risk Analysis, See-detect-and-avoid Systems, Security, Sensor Fusion, Simulation, Smart Sensors, Standards Development, Technology Challenges, Training, UAS Applications, UAS Communications, UAS – Human Interaction, UAS Testbeds
Paper submission will be online through Papers should be prepared following the standard two-column IEEE conference template using an editable format, LaTex (.tex) or MS Word (.docx). Original pictures must be of good quality (with a minimum size of
1000 pixels, width or height) formatted as JPEG, PNG, or EPS for plotted data, tables, etc.
Submitted papers must include research work that is: original; it has not been previously published; it has not been submitted, nor is it under review in any other publication venue. Should the submitted paper have more than one author, all co-authors must approve submission. When needed, authors must get approval from the responsible authorities of the venue (institute, etc.) in which the research work has been performed. The ICUAS Association, Inc., will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation. If the submitted paper includes figures, tables, or any text passages from already published work, then, during paper submission:
i.) author(s) must provide detailed text or caption referencing the original source
ii.) author(s) must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) to use such information, and they must provide proof that such permission has been granted.
Otherwise, all material and information in the submitted paper, without evidence, will be assumed to originate from and belong to the authors.
Submitted papers must be classified by the authors as: Regular Paper, Short Paper, Technical Note, or Position Paper.
Papers must be submitted online. All submitted papers will be processed by the Editor-in-chief (EIC), who will assign the paper to a Handling Editor. The Handling Editor is responsible to coordinate the peer review process and make a recommendation once all requested reviews are received. The EIC and the Handling Editor will oversee and coordinate the whole process, from initial submission to the final decision, and the publication phase.
Authors will receive a decision with a Review Report with detailed comments within 30-40 days from the submission date. The decision may be: Accept, Revisions, Reject. When revisions are requested, the authors must address all provided comments in the revised version of the paper. Revised papers must be submitted within thirty days after the decision has been communicated to the authors. The final version of accepted papers must be submitted within fifteen days after the decision has been communicated to the authors.
Submitted papers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Authors are encouraged to consider the following when preparing their manuscript:
Kimon P. Valavanis
Panos A. Valavanis
Nadia Danezou